
Customer Testimonials

V Sokolov

“I rang last week and ordered a complete set of Weather shields for my 2020 VW Tig,I called past this morning to collect my items and was helped by a nice friendly young lady, i was very Happy with my shields and they fitted perfectly, and the darkish colouring on the shields was great it shaded the top of my windows and the look to my VW Tig after the fitment was very pleasing the top of the window line looked Great.

Thanks Ladies for all your Help...

ps hope the fotos came out good...

Regards. V. S. ”

Nov 2022



“My personal experience gives me confidence in recommending the services of Auto Force without reservations. If you need the relevant accessories and assistance, this is the place to go! Their products are of high quality and at very reasonable prices. Communications are very efficient. Last week, Jeri, an extremely nice and amicable young lady, fitted the weather shields on my BMW E87 with great skills. Her craftsmanship is superb and the whole team is very friendly. A very pleasant experience indeed! I would have no hesitation to be a repeat client!”

Jan 2023

Patricia Van Rysbergen


“We recently purchased an item and we cannot be more happy with the service and prompt delivery would recommend every time thank you very much. ”

Feb 2023

Indiah Doherty


“Ordered weather shields from here. Came super quick and for how cheap the price was super good quality, would definitely recommend.”

Nov 2022

Happy Customer Gallery